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Monday, January 24, 2011

Mommy Loves You, Damn It!

I absolutely love it that Ella is starting to say a few words now.  It seems like she's saying something new almost every day.  Here's a quick run-down of what she's been saying:

Nuh-nana - banana
Iss - this
At - that
Buh-buh - bye bye
Mummy/Mum Mum Mum - Mommy
Dah/Dada - Daddy
Aaah, Pooh - Hi Pooh
Ahpoo - apple (we think, not sure)

Let's talk about that last one, shall we?

Ella CAN say no (usually when we least expect it), but, more often than not, she will shake her head rapidly from side to side, with a huge grin on her face and her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Ella, do you want another bite of cereal?"  *shakes head*

"How about tomorrow?"  *shakes head*

"How about on Valentine's Day?"  Nothing.

"Okay, Mommy will save your last bite of cereal until then, Sweetie."

(Obviously, I'm not saving one bite of cereal until Valentine's Day.)

See, this little back-and-forth happens a lot.  But, this is cute, and not frustrating.

"Ella, Mommy loves you."  *shakes head*

"Yes, she does."  *shakes head*

"Ella, yes she does!"  *shakes head, giggling*

"Ella, Mommy loves you, whether you like it or not, damn it!"

At this point, she's giggling so wildly she's almost falling down in her playpen, or, in some cases, stretching herself backwards in my arms, almost falling out.

I love my baby more than anything, but why, oh why did she get her father's sense of humor???

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